In the News
Dr. Yamauchi In The NY Times

Read the NY Times article about how Dr. Yamauchi treated a severe case of eczema by clicking the image above.
Pricey New Drug Promises Eczema Relief
Crepey Skin: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
Expert Guide to Laser Hair Removal: Everything You Need to Know
VICE: “Young People Are Getting Injections to Avoid Looking Old”
Biologic and Systemic Agents in Dermatology
National Psoriasis Foundation: “A Night of Magic”
National Eczema Association: “Q & A: Introducing Biologics with Dr. Paul Yamauchi”
VICE: “Swimming After You Get Tatted May Not End Well”
Prevention: “The Surprising Reason Your Skin Is Getting Drier”
Highya: “Expert Guide: Best Acne Treatments for Teenage Girls”