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Stay Cool and Confident This Summer with CoolSculpting

With summer just around the corner, you are likely fantasizing about enjoying the warm weather, laying out at the pool, and eating yummy summer foods like hot dogs and watermelon. However, if you’re not quite bikini ready, you may be dreading certain portions of the warmer months. Luckily, with a non-invasive procedure called CoolSculpting, you can get rid of your stubborn fat once and for all. So, what exactly is CoolSculpting and how can it help you get into that bikini with confidence? Read on to learn more.

What Is CoolSculpting?

You’ve likely heard of liposuction; a surgical procedure that involves scraping off fat and suctioning it out with a vacuum-like device. And although liposuction is a very effective procedure it is an invasive one— requiring patients to recover for at least a couple of weeks. As an alternative to liposuction, there’s a procedure called CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting involves freezing the fat cells in your body. Once frozen (and after a couple of months) the cells will fall off and will be naturally excreted by your body— leaving you with a slimmer physique.

Who Is It For?

Despite popular belief, fat removal surgeries like liposuction and CoolSculpting are not used on individuals who are chronically obese. In fact, the ideal Coolsculpting candidate would be at a healthy weight with only about 20-30 pounds to lose (at most). If you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly but can’t seem to get rid of stubborn fat around your middle section, upper thighs, or buttocks, then CoolSculpting is right for you.

Because CoolSculpting does take a few months for patients to see the full results if you are interested in losing weight before bikini season, schedule your appointment today. During your initial consultation, we will evaluate you and together decide if CoolSculpting is the right procedure for you. Contact Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center today!

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