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What Everyone Is Talking About: Kybella

For many of our patients, one of the areas they feel most self-conscious about is an area that can’t be improved with diet, exercise, Botox or fillers: the underneath side of the chin. In fact, those who have worked hard to lose weight are particularly disappointed to see that they still have under-chin fullness. If you’re tired of seeing your chin hanging down — in photos, in the mirror, on your social media sites – it’s time you learn about Kybella.

Your double chin could be doomed, and that’s a good thing
Kybella is an injectable treatment, recently approved by the FDA that uses deoxycholic acid, an enzyme that our bodies produce naturally, to break down unwanted fat cells. In the clinical trials for this procedure, more than half of the participants experienced dramatic visible changes after four treatments.

Get ready to kiss that extra chin good-bye
Each treatment session takes about 15 minutes, which usually includes an injection of numbing lidocaine first, followed by the Kybella injection. Afterward, you’ll be a bit swollen and sore for a few days, but you can return to your normal routine. When the swelling subsides in a few days, you should be able to see a major difference. In four to six weeks, you can have your next treatment, and with each of the four injection sessions, you should see a noticeable improvement.

Your jawline will look more defined, like a real jawline
Kybella injections can also have the effect of making you look thinner, even though double chins aren’t always caused by excess weight; double chins can be genetic, and they also can happen as we age. Kybella can significantly reduce the fat under your chin — permanently. Even if you gain weight, you won’t see any of that weight on your chin because those fat cells have been broken down.

Is Kybella right for you?
The treatment can be ideal for anyone who is unhappy with the fullness caused by excess fat under the chin. Call today for your appointment: 310-829-4104.

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