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The Importance of Sunscreen in All Kinds of Weather

There are a few things you don’t hit the beach or pool without a swimsuit, a towel, and some sunscreen— just about everything else is optional. However, although it’s essential to wear sunscreen on a hot summer day, it’s equally as important to protect your skin all year around. This article will discuss the importance of sunscreen in all types of weather conditions. Read on to learn more.
Sunny Weather
Some people think that as long as they’re not in a swimsuit, they are in the clear to not have to wear sunscreen in the sun. However, if you are spending any time outside when it’s sunny, make sure that you apply sunscreen— even if you’re just going for a short walk around the block.

Cloudy Weather
One of the biggest misconceptions is that if it is cloudy outside, your skin is shielded from the sun by the clouds. However, you are just as likely to get a sunburn on a cloudy day than you are on a sunny one. Even through an overcast sky, the sun can seep through the clouds and damage your skin in the process.

Stormy Weather
Did you know that you can still get a sunburn in the middle of a blizzard? Whether it’s raining outside or you’re on a snowy ski trip in the winter, you should still wear sunscreen. To add layer of protection during stormy weather, try applying a waterproof sunscreen— this will help the sunscreen stay on your skin for a longer period.

Whether it’s sunny, cloudy, or stormy outside, you should be wearing sunscreen. In fact, we encourage all of our patients to get into the habit of wearing a daily sunscreen every single day. It doesn’t matter if you’re spending five minutes or five hours in the sun, make sure that you’re always protected. To learn more about skin health or to schedule an appointment with our office, contact Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center today.

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