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Nailed It! The Truth Behind Nail Fungus

Having long, beautifully manicured nails is one way to get closer to being the 4th Kardashian sister. But, if you have yellow, brittle nails, you’re going to resemble a wicked witch more than anything. Nail fungus is a common condition that we at Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center see our patients for. To help you better understand this condition and learn how it can be treated, we have created a brief introductory guide. Read on to learn more.
How Is Nail Fungus Started?
If you have ever noticed that mushrooms sprout in the grass after a big, summer rainstorm you may see that they, as a fungus, thrive in warm, moist environments. Similarly, nail fungus also thrives in these same conditions. Typically, we see athletes such as runners or swimmers with this condition because their feet are constantly either trapped in a warm, moist shoes, or they are spending their time in a wet environment. And, just like any sort of fungus, nail fungus can easily spread across all of your toenails and fingernails if left untreated.

What Are the Symptoms?
Typically, our patients will start to recognize that they have a nail fungus when their fingernails or toenails become weak and break off. Additionally, other symptoms of nail fungus include yellowing nails, peeling nails, or brittle nails.

How Is It Treated?
Depending on the location— either fingernails or toenails— and how severe your condition is, we may recommend a variety of treatments. For instance, we may recommend that you use a combination of topical and oral medications like Lamisil® and Sporanox®. Additionally, we may also recommend that you take an oral supplement like Biotin to help strengthen your nails from the inside out.

Nail fungus is a condition that can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Luckily, it is easily treatable. If you are suffering from dry, yellow, brittle fingernails, contact Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center today to schedule an appointment with our staff!

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