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How to Kick Your Dry Skin to the Curb

Winter— you either love it or hate it. And although colder temperatures make it feel more magical during the holiday season, they can also cause your skin to dry out and become chapped. And although you can lather on more and more moisturizer, there are a few other tricks that you can use to help lock in the moisture for longer.
Watch the Water
So, there’s no doubt about it, you have to shower, and you have to wash your hands multiple times a day. However, frequent use of hot water can further exacerbate the dryness on your hands and cause it to get worse. As a suggestion, try shortening your showers and using warm water rather than hot. And, in between hand washing, make sure to apply a thick, moisturizing hand cream.

Go Fragrance-Free
Even though those peppermint scented body lotions and washes may sound like the best thing to add to your shower since hot water, they may be making your dryness worse— especially if you have sensitive skin. Try changing to fragrance-free skin care for a couple of weeks and see if you notice an improvement.

Stay Moisturized
Keep a hand cream in your bag, car, by your bed, by your sink, and virtually anywhere on your person at all times during the winter. The more often you moisturize your skin, the less likely it is to get too dry. When shopping for a moisturizer, look for ones like Aquaphor, Cetaphil, or Eucerin.

Nothing can be quite as irritating and painful when it’s cold outside as having dry, chapped skin. Whether you are prone to chapped hands, a dry face, feet, or anywhere else on your body, it can make you feel like your entire body is drying out.

If you are having trouble combatting your dry skin, schedule an appointment at our Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center office today!

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