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3 Tips for Retin-A Users

Retin-A is one of those miracle creams that we at Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center recommend for some patients who have active acne, acne scars, and fine lines and wrinkles. And although Retin-A can work wonders on most patients skin, it can also cause drying, redness, and some irritation. To help you get the most out of your Retin-A while also making sure that you’re comfortable while using it, we have created a list with a few tips.
Avoid the Sun
If you are the type of person who spends her summers in the sun, then January is the perfect month to start using Retin-A. Because Retin-A makes your skin most sensitive to the sun and at an increased risk of burning, we recommend that patients avoid time in the sun altogether. And even though we have been experiencing warmer temperatures in Santa Monica this winter, try to spend your days indoors or limit your sun exposure.

Apply a Moisturizer Over the Top
One of the most common side-effects of Retin-A use is dry, peeling skin. To help combat the dryness, try applying a thick moisturizing the cream directly over the top of your Retin-A after each use. The combination of the moisture along with the Retin-A is a great way to get the results from the Retin-A without the chronic dryness.

Avoid Harsh Ingredients

One of the best things you can do when using Retin-A is looking at the ingredients in all of your skin care products. Although acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid are normally helpful, if you use them in conjunction with Retin-A, it will cause your skin to become hypersensitive. When using Retin-A try using fragrance-free, gentle skin care products.

Retin-A is great at increasing your skin’s natural collagen production and helping with skin cell turnover. However, it can also cause your skin to be a little bit more sensitive. If you are either using Retin-A or want to learn more about it, contact our Santa Monica office today!

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