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3 Things Everyone Should Be Doing for Their Skin

Having good skin doesn’t come easy or naturally for most people. Whether You suffer from acne, dryness, hyperpigmentation, or anything else, there are a few basic that you can do to have healthier, happier skin.

Wash Your Face With Soap
Yes, it’s true that those over-the-counter facial cleansing towels are good at helping you get off dirt and oil after a long day, but they aren’t always as effective as washing your face with traditional soap and water. By using a gentle facial cleanser both morning and night, you can help to get rid of dirt, oil, and help your skin look and feel as beautiful as ever.

Wear Sunscreen
If you are like most people, you probably only wear sunscreen if you’re planning on going on a long hike, spending the day at the beach, or lounging by the pool. However, because this is California, you are probably spending more time outside than you may be aware of. And because sunscreen is one of your skin’s defenses against skin cancer, sun spots, wrinkles, and other skin damage, you are only doing yourself a disservice if you’re not wearing sunscreen every day. Invest in a daily sunscreen or moisturizer with a sunscreen built in.

Get Regular Skin Checks
Another thing that everybody should be doing for their skin? Getting regular skin checks from a dermatologist like Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center. By looking at all of your moles and the overall condition of your skin, we can help catch skin cancer in the early stages and create a skin care plan that will help you achieve better skin.

Whatever your skin care problem is, we have a treatment solution for you. During your initial consultation with our staff at Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center, we will go over your skincare concerns and create a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Ready to learn more about how you can have better skin? Schedule your skincare consultation at our Santa Monica office today!

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