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How to Get Your Skin Christmas Card Ready

If you have a family of your own or if your parents still do an annual Christmas card then you may be worried about your complexion and how its’ going to look on camera. Rather than photoshopping out all of your facial flaws, we have created a list of a few way that you can get your skin Christmas-card ready; that way, you can smile and feel more confident about the skin that you are in.

Depending on your skincare concern, we may recommend that you get one of our signature facials. If you are battling dry, flaky skin we can perform a facial that will help hydrate and moisturize your skin so that it looks smoother and more delicate. If you are worried about acne, then we can perform a facial that contains acne fighting ingredients. Additionally, if acne is your biggest concern, we can go over all of our acne treatment options so that you have a plan in place that will get you through the holiday season and all the way into the new year.

Chemical Peels
Do you feel like our biggest skin concern is hyperpigmentation, sun spots, or fine lines and wrinkles? If so, then we may encourage you to get a chemical peel done. Depending on the type of chemical peel that we do, we may recommend that you get it done about a week or two before your photos so that your skin won’t be red and irritated. During your initial consultation, we will go over all of your chemical peel options to help you pick one that will best take care of your skin care concerns.

You want to feel confident when you go to send out your holiday cards that your skin is looking as good as ever. Let us help you get photo-ready skin this season and contact our Santa Monica office at 310-829-4104.

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