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Learn two ways to combat unwanted spider veins

Spider veins can be problematic for Santa Monica, CA area patients who are self-conscious about their appearance. These small clusters of veins are often a cosmetic concern for both men and women, especially when they develop on visible areas of the face and body. With proper treatment, patients can eliminate these veins and feel confident in their appearance once again. At the Dermatology Institute and Skin Care Center, patients can work with Dr. Paul Yamauchi and his professionals to combat these imperfections with one of two methodologies available:

  • Laser therapy – most patients can achieve results with today’s amazing technology. Lasers have been used in many areas of medicine, including dermatology, to treat a wide range of skin concerns. With laser therapy, the spider veins on the face and body can be reduced in appearance without any invasive therapies or surgeries.
  • Sclerotherapy – another option that has been used for decades is that of sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is a treatment that uses a sclerosing gel to close up the problematic veins and redirect blood flow elsewhere. When this happens, the visible veins become invisible and are absorbed by the body safely and effectively. Sclerotherapy is also used for patients who are experiencing varicose veins which can be extremely prominent on the legs and uncomfortable.

Which treatment is right for me?

Dr. Paul Yamauchi and his team can help patients understand the pros and cons of each treatment, as well as the expected cost to achieve the results they desire. During a consultation appointment, the doctor will evaluate the skin and the veins, and speak to patients about the treatment they are interested in. Most patients are viable candidates for either therapy, and it often comes down to cost and treatment application when patients are making their decision.

Interested in the treatment of spider veins?

Patients in the area of Santa Monica, CA who are ready to achieve a reduction of spider veins are welcome to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Paul Yamauchi and associates of the Dermatology Institute and Skin Care Center. New patients can call (310) 829-4104 and visit at 2001 Santa Monica Boulevard, Ste #1160W.

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