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Understanding how chemical peels work

Keeping the skin looking beautiful and healthy can be difficult, especially when coexisting conditions exist. Many of our patients who come to visit us at Dermatology Institute and Skin Care Center are often looking for ways to improve their skincare routine. Dr. Paul Yamauchi of Santa Monica, CA is excited to provide a wide array of products and services for patients to consider when looking to refresh and revitalize their skin. One popular treatment is that of the chemical peel.

Understanding chemical peels
Chemical peels are performed to help in controlling acne breakouts, unclogging pores, and exfoliating the skin for a healthier, more restored appearance. It can be used for adult patients of all ages and genders. During a chemical peel treatment, the patient’s face is cleansed thoroughly. A special, unique blend of ingredients is then applied to the skin and left on for a specific period of time. Mild chemical peels can be left on the skin the remainder of the day, while more aggressive peels are only left on the skin for a few minutes. Stronger chemical peels are removed from the skin and the skin is cleansed a second time before the patient leaves the practice.
How strong are chemical peels?
Every patient’s skin is different, but there are a variety of chemical peels that can be used based on the strength a patient requires. Mild peels will result in some redness and flaking of the skin, while aggressive peels will cause more dramatic changes to the skin over the course of a week. Patients are urged to work with their doctor to determine the strength of chemical peel they require to achieve the results they desire. Stronger chemical peels often require patients to take time off of work and social activities to allow the skin to heal properly.
Consider chemical peels for beautiful, healthier skin
Patients in the area of Santa Monica, CA who are interested in rejuvenating and restoring the natural beauty of their skin will want to consider the advantages of using treatments such as chemical peels. Dr. Paul Yamauchi and his associates at Dermatology Institute and Skin Care Center are pleased to offer this and other aesthetic and medical dermatology services. Call (310) 829-4104 and visit our team at 2001 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite #1160W.

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