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Botox & Jeuveau available in Santa Monica, CA area practice

Cosmetic injectables are nothing new to the dermatological industry. Injectables have been used for many years to help patients turn back the hands of time when faced with fine lines, wrinkles, and folds that contribute to an aged appearance. Botox was approved by the FDA back in 2002 as a solution to treating dynamic wrinkles. However, there’s another injectable on the market today that has been dubbed “Newtox” and is an alternative to traditional Botox. The injectable is called Jeuveau.

What is Jeuveau?
Jeuveau is a cosmetic injectable that was cleared by the FDA in February of 2019 and can be a wonderful alternative to Botox. All of the neuromodulator injectables, including Dysport and Xeomin, work in a similar manner. They can address wrinkles and folds on the face that are caused by muscle tension, unlike dermal fillers which add volume to fine lines and wrinkles to smooth the skin. When comparing these neuromodulators, they all work in a similar manner. However, Jeuveau, or “Newtox,” is a more affordable alternative to the other injectables that have been on the market for many years. This makes it more attainable for many of our patients who are interested in addressing fine lines and wrinkles while avoiding invasive plastic surgeries. Jeuveau will not replace other neuromodulators, but rather gives patients more choices when deciding what injectable is best for their needs.

Where can Jeuveau be used?
Jeuveau is used on the same areas of the face as Botox, including the glabellar lines, forehead folds, and crow’s feet. These are all areas where wrinkles will form due to muscle contractions. Jeuveau can also be combined with dermal fillers for a more dramatic improvement.
Interested in turning back time with noninvasive injectables?
Contact Dr. Paul Yamauchi and his associates at the Dermatology Institute and Skin Care Center in Santa Monica, CA today at (310) 829-4104. Scheduling a consultation appointment is the first step patients can take to obtain the look they desire. Our practice is located at 2001 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite #1160W and is open to accepting new patients seeking dermatological care from a trained and experienced staff.

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8:00 am - 5:00 pm