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Why Who Administers Your Injectables Matters

Injectable therapies allow you to reverse aging, reduce sweating, and rid yourself of unsightly veins without a cut or stitch. Injectable therapies have proliferated in recent years, but so have the number of spas and beauty shops that offer everything from dermal fillers to PRP without medical supervision.

Although injectables are less invasive and far safer than plastic surgeries, they’re still an invasive therapy that takes skill and expertise to administer. At Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center, our injectables are only administered by highly trained medical professionals under the guidance of our founder, Paul Yamaguchi, MD, PhD.

The importance of facial anatomy
You’ve seen photos of celebrities with overly plumped lips that make them look like they were stung by a bee or with so much filler in their cheeks that they seem to have been inflated like a balloon. These obvious examples of visible dermal fillers are due to over-filling combined with a lack of anatomical knowledge.

Well-trained injectable professionals know that “more” is usually just too much. They work with you to design an injectable augmentation that achieves your aesthetic goals while looking completely natural.

Part of creating a natural look is having a deep understanding of facial anatomy, including the location of facial fat, muscles, and bones. Our professionals work with — not against — your underlying facial structure to create lift, tone, and plumping that looks like you, but better.

Training and experience affect results
In our clinic, our professionals have intensive training and experience in administering injections. They know where to place the needle to get the results you want and how much product to administer during each treatment.

Be sure that whoever administers your injections has undergone training in each type of injection you wish. The manufacturers of all the different types of therapies available — from Botox® to Juvéderm® — offer training to those who offer their products. Your injector should be certified to perform the service that you desire.

Fortunately, the providers at our office maintain their credentials with advanced continuing education training.

Injectables are still invasive and have risks
Even though injectables are safer than plastic surgery, every time a foreign object breaks and enters the skin, you run the risk of an infection. Our entire team is trained to keep our offices clean and sanitary. We only use single-use syringes. We also apply disinfectant to your skin before treatment to keep you safe.

We also only use verified products that are certified and sanitary. If you pay bargain prices at a non-medical injection spa, they may be using generic brands or unsafe ingredients, such as silicone.

No matter why you’re getting injectable therapy, an injection is still a medical procedure. The safest place to undergo it is in a medical spa or clinic. We sterilize our equipment after every use and dispose of medical waste safely, according to state regulations.

Injectable therapies have revolutionized the world of anti-aging and lifestyle medicine. But take note of the word “medicine.” Injectable therapies are medical therapies and should only be administered by trained and certified medical professionals in a medical spa or clinic setting.

To transform your look or life with injectable therapies, call our Santa Monica, California, office or send us an online message today.

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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm