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I'm an Adult — Why Do I Still Have Acne?

Acne is forever linked in our collective imagination with awkward and hormone-driven teenagers. You think that once you mature and reach adulthood, you can leave behind those embarrassing bumps, lumps, and zits. But, sometimes, you can’t.

More than 40% of women still struggle with acne, even as they may notice the skin signs of older age, such as wrinkles and thinner or lackluster skin. Men also experience persistent acne or adult-onset acne (yes, even if you escaped acne as a teen, it doesn’t mean you’ll never have it). 

At Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center, our dermatologist, Paul Yamauchi, MD, PhD, treats adult acne. We offer several topical and oral options for treating adult acne at our Santa Monica, California, clinic. 

Do you have acne as an adult? The following are some common reasons.

Fluctuating hormones

Just as a surge of hormones brought on your first case of acne (and your adolescence), a hormonal imbalance could also cause adult acne. 

Acne usually starts when your body produces too much testosterone, leading to an overproduction of an oily substance called sebum, which can clog your pores (i.e., follicles). 

Women going through perimenopause or menopause may also have acne outbreaks, particularly around the chin. Women with a hormonal imbalance called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) often struggle with acne, too.

Hormonal birth control sometimes helps women get control of their skin. If you’re going through menopause, you could benefit from hormone replacement therapy (HRT). 

Wearing masks, hats, or sporting equipment

During the pandemic, many women and men experienced a type of acne called acne mechanica. Popularly, mask-related acne was referred to as “maskne.”

Acne mechanica develops after the skin has been traumatized by rubbing or other types of friction. You may develop acne mechanica due to wearing:

  • Masks
  • Hats
  • Helmets
  • Jockstraps
  • Shoulder pads

Anywhere your skin is constantly rubbed or irritated, you could develop acne mechanica in that area. The best way to avoid acne mechanica is to wash frequently worn items. You should also protect your skin with a moisturizer or other lubricant to reduce the amount of friction.

Your skin care isn’t caring

Skin care products are notorious for creating irritation and acne outbreaks. Use gentle, high-quality skin care products without fragrances or chemicals. Look for labels that say “non-comedogenic.”

Consider medical-grade skin care products instead of relying on drugstore bargains. Medical-grade skin care is formulated for your particular skin type without dyes, fragrances, oils, and other substances that may irritate your skin or cause acne outbreaks.

Your medication is at fault

Steroids are associated with acne outbreaks, particularly in male bodybuilders. If you stop using steroids, your skin should clear up, too.

Other medications that could cause acne include lithium and anti-seizure drugs. If medications are behind your acne, talk to your medical provider about changing the dose or type to help keep your skin clear.

Adult acne is treatable

You don’t have to deal with acne outbreaks anymore. We offer a variety of acne treatments based on the type and severity of your outbreak. Some choices include:

  • Retinoid creams (good for wrinkles, too!)
  • Topical antibiotics
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Oral retinoids, in restricted cases
  • Pulsed dye laser therapy
  • Blue light treatments
  • Chemical peels

If you’re ready to leave acne behind, phone our friendly staff today for acne therapy. You can also send us a message online to schedule an appointment.

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