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How to Stay-In-Tune With Your Skin: 5 Steps to Conducting a Cancer Self-Screening

One of the best things that you can do for your skin— other than wearing sunscreen every day— is to conduct regular cancer self- screening or evaluations. By being able to spot a new freckle or mole, and identify any changes or abnormalities, you will have a better chance of catching early signs of skin cancer before they get worse. So, now that you know the importance of staying in-tune with your skin use these five steps to conduct a better cancer self-screening. Read on to learn more.

Step 1: Get Naked
The best way to give yourself a full body examination is to get naked. In fact, we encourage our patients to conduct their examination in the shower— the more of your body you see, the better chances you have of catching anything out of the ordinary.

Step 2: Start from the Bottom Up
You may think to only look at places like your face, back, and legs for skin abnormalities, but you really should be looking everywhere— from your feet all the way to your scalp. We encourage our patients to start from the bottom of their feet and work their way up to the top of their head.

Step 3: Use a Mirror
Unless you have eyes on the back of your head, it’s going to be extremely difficult to see your backside— that’s why we encourage our patients to use a handheld mirror.

Step 4: Use Feel and Sight
When doing a skin examination, don’t just look at your skin— feel it as well. A lot of times, skin cancer is bumpy in texture and is raised far above the skin— making it easy to detect with your hands.

Step 5: Chart It
If you notice a freckle or mole that you are worried about, keep a close eye on it and chart it in some journal or even on your phone. Then, in a few weeks, take a look at it and see if it has changed any further. And remember, that if you are ever nervous about a freckle or mole, that you can schedule an appointment with our office.

Conducting regular skin examinations can lower your chance of developing skin cancer. To learn more about how you can conduct self-examinations or to schedule an appointment, contact Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center today!

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