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3 Post Botox Tips

If this is your first-time getting Botox, then you are in for a treat. As a consistently popular noninvasive procedure, Botox works by temporarily softening the muscles in the forehead and around the eyes to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. To make sure that you get the most out of your Botox, we have a few post- injection tips for you.

Avoid Exercising
You should refrain from any sort of strenuous exercise or activities for at least 24 hours after your injections. Why? Because it can increase the blood flow to your facial muscles which can diffuse the Botox before it even starts to work. Make sure that you plan accordingly and that you don’t’ schedule any sort of workout classes or activities for at least a day afterward.

Avoid Skin Care Treatments for 24 Hours
Another thing that can diffuse the Botox and make it less efficient is if you do skin care treatments like microdermabrasion, peels, laser, or facials right afterward. Try to refrain from any of these types of skin care treatments for about 24 full hours after your injections.

Don’t Rub the Injection Site
With dermal fillers, we typically encourage patients to massage the injection site to make sure that the injection settle in, but with Botox we don’t recommend that you rub the site. Why? Because it can diffuse it and make it a lot less effective. Our rule? Try not to fuss with it.

Botox lasts an average of 3-6 months depending on the patient, but the last thing you want to do is diffuse it before it has a chance to settle in. Use the tips in this article to make sure that you get long lasting results for your Botox. To learn more, contact us at our Santa Barbara office and call us at 310-829-4104.

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