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Pool Bag Alert: What to Look for In a Sunscreen

Whether you like to head to the pool solo, with friends, or with kids in tow, showing up prepared will help you enjoy your pool day a whole lot more. In addition to packing a sun hat, some extra beach towels, and flip flops, don’t forget the sunscreen. But, one thing that a lot of patients aren’t aware of is that all sunscreens aren’t created equals. Let’s take a closer look at a few things to look for when you’re sunscreen shopping.

Broad Spectrum
Broad spectrum is a must. A broad spectrum sunscreen will protect you from both UVA and UVB rays, which can both cause sun damage and burning.

Titanium Dioxide
TItanium dioxide is another ingredient in sunscreen that will give you extra protection from UVA and UVB rays. Additionally, it is usually really gentle on your skin and won’t cause breakouts.

Sweat and Water Resistance
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as waterproof sunscreen, but there is such thing as a sunscreen that’s both water and sweat resistant. Whether You are doing an exercise outside or just going swimming, then make sure that you grab one of these sunscreen and then apply it every one to two hours depending on what you are doing.

Kid Friendly
If you have little ones, make sure that you choose a sunscreen that is kid friendly. Kid friendly sunscreens usually contain gentle ingredients that are gentle on their skin and around their eyes. Even though they are gentle, make sure that you are careful when applying it around their eyes because it could cause an infection.

As you can see, there are several things that you should look for in a sunscreen. If You want to learn a little bit more about how you can keep your skin protected or if you want to schedule a skin cancer check, contact our Santa Monica office and call 310-829-4104.

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