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What are some indications that a skin growth may be cancerous?

A cancer diagnosis is often extremely concerning for a patient, regardless of the stage it has reached. Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers found in patients in the United States, and melanoma, a type of skin cancer, is the most dangerous. Fortunately, skin cancer is one of the few cancers that can be visible and easy to diagnose. Dr. Paul Yamauchi and his associates at the Dermatology Institute and Skin Care Center encourages patients to be diligent about having unusual skin growth and mole changes evaluated during an annual skin cancer screening.
What can I expect during a skin cancer screening?
A skin cancer screening is a preventative measure to check for the signs and development of skin cancer. During a screening, Dr. Paul Yamauchi will evaluate the patient’s skin from head to toe. The screening allows the doctor to make note of existing skin growth, skin tags, and moles, and gives the opportunity for a biopsy if anything unusual is detected. A biopsy is a sample of the skin growth that is sent to a laboratory for further evaluation. If skin cancer is found, the type will be diagnosed and patients can speak to their dermatologist about the next steps for treatment.

What are some signs of a cancerous skin growth?
The body has many different growths and changes that occur over time. Each skin tag, skin growth, or mole is not always a sign of cancer and are typically benign. However, if an existing mole begins to change in shape, size, color, or appearance, it may be indicative of skin cancer. Any changes to skin tags and moles, as well as new developments, should be noted by a dermatologist and monitored closely.

Request a screening today and take charge of your health
If you have not had an annual skin cancer screening performed, or are interested in having a skin growth evaluated further for cancer, schedule an appointment at Dermatology Institute and Skin Care Center today. The practice is located at 2001 Santa Monica Boulevard in Suite #1160W and can be reached by phone at (310) 829-4104. New and existing patients are welcome to schedule a visit with our team and undergo an evaluation.

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