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How Body Sculpting Can Help You Finish Off Your Weight-Loss Journey

Even after you’ve achieved your goal weight, you may be a bit frustrated by a few inches of resistant fat. When you have pockets of fat around your abdomen, hips, and elsewhere, they’re probably due to your genes and not to any deficiencies in your diet or exercise regimen.

In fact, if you have genetically resistant fat pockets, no amount of calorie restriction or fat-burning exercise can eliminate them. Stubborn fatty bulges aren’t about too much fat, per se, but too many fat cells. How many fat cells you have — and where they’re located — are determined by your DNA.

Under the guidance of our dermatologist Paul Yamauchi, MD, PhD, our aesthetics team at Dermatology Institute & Skin Care Center help you sculpt your ideal form at our Santa Monica, California, office. We use state-of-the-art and non-invasive CoolSculpting® and injectable Kybella® to trim your last inches and achieve your ideal look.

Melt away your double chin

Even when your body is toned and trimmed, you may still appear heavier than you look or have submental fullness, aka a double chin. 

Double chins add weight to your face. And because your face is the first thing that people see, a double chin can make you look heavier than you really are. 

If you’re happy with your body and only want to eliminate a double chin, then we recommend injectable Kybella. Kybella is made of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a type of acid that your own body produces to digest dietary fat.

When we inject your double chin with Kybella, the deoxycholic acid immediately “digests” the excess fat in that area. Kybella destroys the excess fat cells so that your body can then absorb and excrete them.

Depending on the fullness of your double chin, you may need a series of up to six Kybella treatments. After each treatment, your submental fullness noticeably decreases. You wait about a month between sessions to allow your body to dispose of the destroyed fat cells.

One advantage to Kybella is that it works so gradually that nobody but you knows that you’ve had “work done.” By the time they notice your beautiful results, they simply attribute your sleeker, tighter profile to your overall new fitness.

Freeze off body fat

If you have pockets of fat on your body, however, Kybella won’t be sufficient to sculpt them. That’s why we also offer Zeltiq’s CoolSculpting, and its patented cryolipolysis technique. 

Just as Kybella uses acid to destroy unneeded fat cells, CoolSculpting uses extremely cold temperatures. However, the temperatures are only low enough to freeze fat, not fluids, so your skin is unharmed by the cooling paddles.

Though the techniques differ, the process of body sculpting with Kybella and CoolSculpting is similar. Fat cells are destroyed, your body eliminates them, and your figure becomes closer to your aesthetic goal. You may need 2-3 sessions to achieve your ideal. 

Use CoolSculpting to add the finishing touch to your:

  • Flanks
  • Abdomen
  • Bra Fat
  • Upper arm fat
  • Banana roll (i.e., buttocks)
  • Inner thighs
  • Back fat

You can also treat your double chin with CoolSculpting. Depending on how many areas you treat at once, your sessions take about 1-3 hours. Leave about a month between treatments so your body can eliminate the destroyed fat cells.

Body sculpting is best after weight loss

Neither Kybella nor CoolSculpting makes a significant difference in how many pounds you weigh, which is why they’re not considered weight-loss techniques. Instead, they carve away inches of excess fat. 

In the case of CoolSculpting, you notice the difference not just in the way you look but also in how well your clothes fit. Another way to celebrate your weight-loss and fitness victory — after your CoolSculpting sessions — is to indulge in a new wardrobe that flatters your new figure.

Reward your hard weight-loss work with body sculpting that helps you achieve your ideal figure. Book your CoolSculpting or Kybella session today by phoning our friendly staff. You can also send us an online message.

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