Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Los Angeles and Santa Monica, CA

Hyperhidrosis is another name for excessive sweating. It is classified as either primary or secondary. Primary hyperhidrosis is usually inherited and begins in childhood or adolescence. The excessive sweating is typically symmetrical and localized to a specific area such as the armpits, palms, soles, and/or face. In contrast, secondary hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating caused by another medical condition or is a side effect of a medication. Secondary hyperhidrosis typically presents in adulthood. This type of hyperhidrosis is more commonly generalized, affecting most or all of the body. Affected individuals can find their condition embarrassing. Excessive sweating can also interfere with daily activities. Treatment options are available including topical antiperspirants, medicated wipes, oral medications, iontophoresis, botulinum toxin injections, and surgical interventions.